8 Things To Consider If You Want To Get Free Homework Help Online

There are several things that you need to lookout for if you are considering looking for free homework help online

  1. Is the help really free? Some online sites do charge a fee. They may let you have one or two sessions that are free but after that you may have to pay. If they say that they are free but require you to give your bank or card details then DON'T!. They may ask you to sign up to their website, but will only require your email address and will use this to send you additional information about their services.
  2. Recommendations. Once you have established that the service is free now have a look to see if other people have used the site and what they think of it. If there are no recommendations then pass on this site and look for another homework help site.
  3. Look at examples. If the site does not show any examples of the work that they do, the advice is to leave them alone, the site may not be what they seem.
  4. Don’t get scammed. Scamming does not just mean getting you bank or card details and taking money out of your account, it can also take and use some of your other details. You may have a deluge of unwanted emails at the very least!
  5. Qualified teachers. Does the homework help site offer help from qualified teachers or by people who have an interest and experience in the area of study? If the site is using qualified teachers then they will be a better able to help you by breaking down the skills that you need to complete your homework.
  6. Same first language? Do the teachers have the same first language as you? They may be very skilled and very capable but if they don't share the same first language as you there may be aspects of the work that are lost in translation.
  7. Familiarity with the curriculum. Do they have familiarity with the curriculum that you are following?
  8. Contact. Does the website give other contact details such as a telephone number or do they just have the website contact. If they only have contact through the web site then they may not be all that they claim. If you have access to a homework help tutor, are you able to contact them through email? If so what is the expected turnaround time?

Good Luck!

