3 tips for writing psychology homework assignments

It's easy to write a psychology homework assignment but it's not so easy to write a darn good one. College professors across the nation will tell you how despondent and even angry they become as they read poorly written and poorly argued psychology assignments. The crazy point about all this is that it's not all that difficult to improve. With a little effort and some smart thinking, you can turn a failure into a success. The following three tips will seriously improve your homework. By all means look for the good aspects of a written assignment and reproduce them. But also learn about the mistakes and bad points and eradicate them forever.

  1. Learn the basics of English
  2. Of course in your psychology assignment you need to know the subject and be able to create an argument supporting your point of view. But if your clear thinking is badly expressed because of poor English skills then you are certainly shooting yourself in the foot. Know the difference between their, there and they're. They all sound the same but each has its own unique meaning. Likewise with its and it's. Again the words sound the same but each has its own meaning. Learn the basics of spelling, syntax and grammar.

  3. See the glass as being half full
  4. Many students look at their psychology homework assignment and groan both inwardly and outwardly. They see the task as onerous as some form of punishment which has to be endured. Scrap that attitude. Look upon the assignment as a chance for you to shine, to impress your teacher or professor and to get a seriously good grade. Your next psychology homework assignment is a golden opportunity for you to excel in your course. Seize the opportunity with enthusiasm and create an assignment which has your teacher applauding.

  5. Polish is essential
  6. Of course there are rules about the structure of your psychology assignment. It needs an introduction and it needs a middle section where you state your main theme and demonstrate supporting arguments. It needs a conclusion with a precise summary. But once you have created your assignment, your task has just begun. Now is the time to polish. Now is the time to revise, to go back over your assignment looking for mistakes and for ways to make it better. Can you say the same thing in fewer words because ‘less is more’ is always a good tip.

